
Saturday, January 2, 2021

COVID : New Year, Same Old?

Yay, it's 2021!

2020 ended with a whimper, as it should. The last two and a half months of the year were the absolute worst. 

At the end of October, Pat and I suffered through the 'rona, after an anti-mask co-worker of his shared the virus with the office. Actually, "anti-mask" doesn't cover it; the moron is anti-science in general. The guy believes the Earth is a cylinder, for instance. Pat, being the loving husband that he is, brought it home and shared it with me. I was livid, and actually still am, considering at one point, I was so dehydrated and weak, I spent over 36 hours in bed and honestly thought I was going to die there. I missed Hallowe'en, of all holidays, because of illness. And, I had to do the calls of shame to those we'd most recently been in close contact with. 

Antietam Aqueduct

We didn't feel comfortable doing traditional Thanksgiving or even Christmas holiday with my family. For Thanksgiving, we managed to snag a campsite at the Antietam Aqueduct and so went camping and had turkey legs on the grill. There were maybe two other campsites occupied, and unlike most of our previous dozen or so C&O Camping experiences, it was blessedly quiet and peaceful. 

It was too cold to do the same on December 24, but we did do a quick gift exchange at my brother's and my mom's. 

New Year's Eve was probably the most sedate one for us in many years. A year that was terrible in so many ways for so many people really went out with a whimper. The neighbors only set off one or two fireworks. 

I've spent most of my winter break just trying to salvage my emotional well-being. Distance teaching sucks, and since I didn't really take any time away when I was sick, I realized that I'm nearly burned out on my job. I have since put up some pretty hard and fast boundaries, where I don't check or respond to emails during certain hours (included during this break), and I just refer people to an FAQ when it comes to certain questions I get over and over again. 

Going hiking at least once a week has been good for my soul as well. Pat sometimes even joins me!
Cold hiking the Sunday before Christmas on the C&O Canal at Weverton (lock 33)

A chilly day on Wye Island to see the Wye Island Holly Tree

Harpers Ferry and Virginius Island have ruins to explore

A ghost town outside Ellicott City along the Patapsco

Gettysburg Battlefield at sunset

Pat on the Catoctin Aqueduct

I've also gotten back into making earrings and candles and stuff. I've even revived my Etsy shop and sold several things! 
My friends apparently really liked these earrings

Pouring some small, vanilla scented candles

Anyway, I'm hoping to keep the mental well-being going now that my physical well-being has mostly returned.

Reading more. Hiking more. Exercising, even though it's at home. 

2021 didn't exactly walk in and scream, "Here I am!" and I think we're all a little wary of high hopes right now. But, a girl can dream that this year really will be better, can't she?

Shoot for the moon

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